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Available for Saturday March 15

This post expired on March 10, 2024.

I hope this finds you all doing well. Finally looks like we may be on an upward climb with the weather. I am sure we will keep dipping down for the next few weeks but I think we are gonna make it. What a winter. We have gotten away without one for years but it got us this time. Most every thing we had on the farm this winter didn’t fair well. We have started planting for the spring but are behind. With any luck we will be up and growing in no time.

We do have some great mixed greens, shiitake, pork and eggs. We hope you would enjoy some this week. Doug’s salmon filled the freezer with halibut, smoked salmon and 5lb bags of salmon. This is gonna be the last till they return this fall. They are heading back to alaska in about 4 weeks. Taylorganic has lots of veggies for you to enjoy along with a plethora of other products

We will see you Saturday from 9-10 at your selected location. Please share us with a friend. We appreciate all your support.

Thank you,